Why is sport so important for kids?

Sports, whether team-based (like Grasshopper Soccer), or individual, are a great activity for children that provide a whole host of benefits other than just physical activity.
Participation in sports can help build self-esteem and confidence, can motivate children to excel academically and can help build important social skills. Sports can also teach children the benefits of goal-setting and practice.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics only six out of 10 children aged between five and 14 years participate in sport outside of school. With obesity and overweight being on the rise in Australia it is important to take early action to educate our kids about healthy lifestyles, in a non-threatening and fun way. Habits are established early in life and evidence suggests that physically active children are more likely to mature into physically active adults.
At Grasshopper Soccer, our programs cover children ranging in age from 2-12 years old, getting kids involved in sport in a fun and non-competitive way that they love!
What are some of the benefits of Grasshopper Soccer for children?
• Improved social skills
• Improved personal skills, including cooperation and leadership
• Sense of belonging
• Improved coordination and balance
• Improved sleep
• Greater confidence
• Reduced risk of obesity
• Quality time with the parents (in our programs for younger children)
• Increased cardiovascular fitness
• Promotion of healthy bone, muscles, ligament and tendon growth
Physical activity is the most obvious benefit of playing sports. Children are spending more and more time watching television or playing video games, but being involved in Grasshopper soccer provides an opportunity for exercise that can help keep kids in shape physically and mentally.
Playing a sport can help children develop social skills that will benefit them throughout their entire lives. At Grasshopper Soccer they are playing with children from their local community, learning to interact not only with other children their age, but also with older individuals in their coaches and sports officials. Kids learn leadership skills, team-building skills and communication skills that will help them in school, their future career and personal relationships.
Participation in sports such as soccer can have a huge positive impact on a child’s self-esteem and confidence. They learn to trust in their own abilities and push themselves. The joy of watching one of our Mite-E kids kick their first goal is wonderful!
Our program is designed to bring maximum enjoyment to each and every one of our participants. We never leave a kid on the sidelines. Everyone is involved at every stage, and we particularly encourage to parents to be involved in the younger programs, helping the adults get a bit of exercise too!
We want to show kids how much fun soccer is, while also teaching them a range of skills that will help them on their journey through school, as well as their journey through life!