The health and wellbeing of our families and coaches has always been our number one priority. With programs kicking off across the country Grasshopper Soccer has implemented a strict and robust COVID-19: Safe Return To Play Plan so our children can once again develop skills for life with us.
Grasshopper Soccer Carnivals
Grasshopper Soccer Carnivals Across Australia!
Across Australia many children participated in there recent Carnivals which were packed full of fun, sportsmanship and goals!
Soccer Themed Snacks!
Do you have a Grasshopper Soccer star at home?
Are they always hungry? We bet the answer is yes!
Fun is NOT the same for everyone!
So many times I hear from the parents of players of all ages “I just want him/her to have fun.”
What is often forgotten is that what is fun for one child may not be for another.